Saturday, December 28, 2019

The History of the Valentines Day Origins

St Valentines Day has roots in several different legends that have found their way to us through the ages. One of the earliest popular symbols of Valentines day is Cupid, the Roman god of love, who is represented by the image of a young boy with bow and arrow. Several theories surround the history of Valentines Day. Was There a Real Valentine? About 300 years after the death of Jesus Christ, the Roman emperors still demanded that everyone believe in the Roman gods. Valentine, a Christian priest, had been thrown in prison for his teachings. On February 14, Valentine was beheaded, not only because he was a Christian but also because he had performed a miracle. He supposedly cured the jailers daughter of her blindness. The night before he was executed, he wrote the jailers daughter a farewell letter, signing it From Your Valentine. Another legend tells us that this same Valentine, well-loved by all, received notes while in his jail cell from children and friends who missed him. Bishop Valentine? Another Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time, A.D. 200. He was imprisoned because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman emperor. Some legends say he was burned at the stake. Feast of Lupercalia The ancient Romans celebrated the feast of Lupercalia, a spring festival, on the 15th of February. It was held in honor of a goddess. Young men randomly chose the name of a young girl to escort to the festivities. With the introduction of Christianity, the holiday moved to the 14th of February. The Christians came to celebrate February 14 as the saint day that celebrated the several early Christian martyrs named Valentine. Choosing a Sweetheart on Valentines Day The custom of choosing a sweetheart on this date spread through Europe in the Middle Ages, and then to the early American colonies. Throughout the ages, people also believed that birds picked their mates on February 14. In A.D. 496, Saint Pope Gelasius I declared February 14 as Valentines Day. Although its not an official holiday, most Americans observe this day. Despite the odd mixture of its origins, St. Valentines Day is now a day for sweethearts. It is the day that you show your friend or loved one that you care. You might send candy to someone you think is special or send roses, the flower of love.  Most people send valentine, a greeting card so named for the notes that St. Valentine received in jail. Greeting Cards Probably the first greeting cards, handmade valentines, appeared in the 16th century. As early as 1800, companies began mass-producing cards. Initially, these cards were hand-colored by factory workers. By the early 20th century, even fancy lace and ribbon-strewn cards were created by machines.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Donne and Marvells poems where what linked them...

Donne and Marvells poems where what linked them together, it was the style that they wrote in, they both fit into a metaphysical group. Both poets include an argument with themselves. His Coy Mistress has a comparing poems by John Donne and Andrew Marvell! Donne and Marvell both wrote poems about the same era in time, the early part of the 17th century, to be specific the 1920s.Donnes life began in 1572 where he was born into a prosperous Roman Catholic family, and lived on Bread Street, London. Marvell was born much later in 1621 in Yorkshire, but both poets were alive at the same time in some part of their life, but there was a large difference in age. Marvell was born to Reverend Andrew Marvel and his wife Ann.†¦show more content†¦His Coy Mistress has a syllogistically framework, where it begins with an initial premise, to introduce a qualification to the premise and ending with a solution to the conflict. Marvell’s poem is of seduction and how it could be used. His first argument is about if there were all the time in the world to woo his lady so slowly her coyness would be irrelevant. Marvell carries on to outline what he would do out of love if their love was live on forever, mentioning periods of time like centuries and ages. Marvell uses esoteric imagery to show his argument. He does this by describing his life as vegetable love, this shows that his love is developing love to grow for his mistress, but it also implies that he sees himself as a vegetable soul, which is the lowest level of the soul. Therefore, this suggests a love that could only exist by its association with the vegetable soul that is a lower form then love then sexual love. Donnes poem is about an argument with a natural element-the sun. He not only orders the sun to go away, but also gives a list of reasons why. He also sees time as a large aspect of his poem with the line Nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time. In the first verse he always includes a metaphor Late schoolboys, and sour prentices, Go tell court-huntsmen that the King will ride, call country ants by this he is referring to the common, insignificant people. Donne has aShow MoreRelated Love in The Flea and To his Coy Mistress Essay2087 Words   |  9 PagesThe Flea and To his Coy Mistress Compare the ways John Donne in his poem The Flea and Andrew Marvell in his poem To his Coy Mistress present the theme of love. Donne and Marvell’s poems have both similarities and differences, as they both present the theme of love in an unconventional way and dwell on it superficially. This can be seen by the way in which both authors show their views on love, though are clearly just using them as attempts to seduce their mistresses, who are clearly reluctantRead MoreA Comparison of ‘To His Coy Mistress’ by Andrew Marvell and ‘To His Mistress Going to Bed’ by John Donne2064 Words   |  9 PagesMistress’ by Andrew Marvell and ‘To His Mistress Going to Bed’ by John Donne ‘To His Coy Mistress’ and ‘To His Mistress Going to Bed’ are both poems about men seducing women. They centre around sex rather than love or romance. Sixteenth and seventeenth century attitudes to love and relationships were much stricter going as far as wealthy people asking their perspective lovers to court them via love poem or letter. Though this has changed from the sixteenth and seventeenthRead MoreLove in To His Coy Mistress and The Flea Essay1850 Words   |  8 Pages(1621-1678) and The Flea, by John Donne (1572-1631) present different attitudes to love. Both are also structured very differently and occasionally use contrasting imagery. Each poem was written in the 17th century, just after the Renaissance. The poets were metaphysical poets. Although the metaphysic was originally a derogatory term, metaphysical poetry used intellectual and theological concepts in an ingenious way. Metaphysical poetry was partly written in rebellion againstRead More The Flea by John Donne and To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell6621 Words   |  27 PagesThe Flea by John Donne and To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell The Flea by John Donne is written in the 17th century as is To his coy mistress by Andrew Marvell. This we can see by the language used which was typical of that period in time apt to kill me and yea which are taken from the flea. Both poems also speak of virginity being very important, especially before marriage because if a woman had lost her maidenhead before, the husband would have the right to leave her without

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Issue Of How Public Welfare Expenditures - 1958 Words

I. Introduction The issue of how public welfare expenditures are capable of positively influencing economic stability in both democracies and non-democracies is of great importance in global politics. In order understand the extent to which human welfare programs are able/unable to improve economic prosperity, the following report will focus on the example of how educational programs influence economic conditions in democracies and non-democracies. Both economic investment and general tendencies to support other welfare programs that indirectly help education, play a role in the success or failure of these programs for national economies. The hypothesis to be confirmed or disconfirmed is that heavier state control, when it comes to†¦show more content†¦Unfortunately, as the authors note, a large amount of public spending does not end up alleviating these problems, and is misallocated to programs that do not help the poor. While democracies seem to have the greatest opportunity for education al programs because they would allow the majority to vote for them, some research indicates that democracies do not guarantee greater human welfare compared to non-democracies (Keefer Khemani, 2005). The authors argue that the lack of information about, and trust in politicians, as well as social fragmentation of voters, all work to undermine the most important public welfare programs such as education(Keefer Khemani, 2005). The following will compare the educational policies of different governments and see if they helped the national economy and extent to which they were adapted to the global economy. A. Planned versus Free-Market Economies As previously noted, one of the common debates in political science is the extent to which state control of the economy influences economic growth. According to some, democratic institutions guarantee economic growth while a heavy state hand in economic policies causes stagnation. However, in the non-free market economies, education seems to have played a major role and has synergized with the necessary adaptability to the changing global technological infrastructure. After analyzing a variety of countries using both a

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Leadership Styles Are Interconnected With Culture And...

Fairleigh Dickinson University, Vancouver Campus MADS 6602 V3 – Personnel Administration Taranjeet Kaur, MAS (Candidate) Student ID: 1732181 Instructor: Dr. Jay Ariken 14 APRIL ,2016 Ques-10 Describe how leadership styles are interconnected with culture and tradition of an organization? Answer - leadership can be defined as an art of motivating a group of people to act towards attaining a same goal. In other words, the process of encouraging and promoting others to work enthusiastically in achieving objectives. Leadership is a way for people to participate in making something extraordinary and different. Essence of leadership – ïÆ' ¼ Leadership actually means the power or talent of an individual to influence†¦show more content†¦IMPORTANCE OF LEADERSHIP - Leadership is not only a quality of using people’s potential in realizing and attaining an organization’s goal. It has an ultimate aim of raising the level of human conduct and ethical aspiration of both the leader and the led. The leader should elevate, inspire and motivate others. Formal leadership – The exercise of formal leadership is done through organization’s hierarchy of positions like the highest authority of manager is given all the duties to lead and supervise his under staff. Informal leadership – The leadership which is influential without any formal authority. LEADERSHIP STYLE’S - 1.Based on authority retained a. Autocratic style - In this style all decision making power is confined to the leaders as dictator leader. They do not consider any kind of suggestions or initiatives from their subordinates. The autocratic leadership style has been successful as it gives strong motivation to the manager.It actually allows quick decision-making , as only a single person decides for the whole group and keeps each decision stick to himself until he feels it is needed to be shared with the rest of the group members. This kind of leadership has a increased amount of dependency on the leader.It is only needed in some types of business where decisions need to be made extremely fast. Most of the employees hates this leaderstyle style where boss is so strict and motivation factor is absent. This style is generally not

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Micromedex Consumer Medication Information †

Question: Discuss about the Micromedex Consumer Medication Information. Answer: Introduction: The nurse professional would monitor the cognitive functionality and physical condition of Rosie in the clinical setting with the objective of analysing her risk of falls and associated trauma. The registered nurse would also require investigating and study the environmental factors that contribute to the pattern of patients acopia and associated manifestations. The evaluation of patients mental status would give an insight regarding the state of confusion experienced by the patient that might have contributed to her physical and mental instability. The absence of assessment of patients environmental factors and cognitive status due to the communication barriers could lead to the inappropriate understanding of the extrinsic and intrinsic influences leading to frequent injuries and related clinical complications (Norouzinia, Aghabarari, Shiri, Karimi, Samimi, 2016). The clinical assessment of memory and communication skills of the treated patient is necessarily warranted in the context of identifying the cause of self-insufficiency, weakness and absence of coping skills. Evidence-based research literature correlates the memory deficits of patients with their loss of functionality and independence (Marchant Williams, 2011). The deterioration in patients memory substantially impacts their quality of life and wellness outcomes across the community environment. Therefore, the absence of memory assessment might lead to inappropriate findings regarding the cause of patients functional dependence on her husband in the context of undertaking the activities of daily living and personal care. The nurse professional needs to effectively assess the nutritional intake of the elderly patient in the context of identifying the dietary deficits that might have contributed towards the pattern of her weakness and debility (Ahmed Haboubi, 2010). The nutrition assessment would require the systematic evaluation of patients dietary regimen and accordingly the nurse professional might clinically correlate the recorded clinical manifestations with the dietary deficiencies (Ahmed Haboubi, 2010). For example, any defect in the dietary plan might assist the nurse professional in the context of configuring remedial strategies for effectively managing her weight as well as intensity of debility and consciousness. The absence of a concrete dietary regimen might lead continued consumption of junk food and frozen meals (by the patient), thereby, impacting her wellness outcomes. Task 1 (Care Planning) Nursing Problem Underlying Cause Goal of Care Bedside Nursing Interventions Rationale Indicators/Outcomes Fatigue and Weakness Inappropriate nutrition and age-factor 1. The effective evaluation of the pattern of fatigue and its associated adverse influence on the quality of life of the treated patient. 2. The identification of patients understanding of the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that potentially elevate the pattern of her fatigue and associated adverse outcomes. 3. The development of systematic energy conservation interventions with the objective of decreasing the intensity of her debility. 4. The tracking and identification of remedial strategies from day-to-day routine that could significantly increase the energy level of the treated patient. 1. The nurse professional requires assessing the pattern of patients emotional state, psychological functionality, medication regimen as well as sleep duration in the context of determining the causes of debility and associated adverse manifestations. 2. Accordingly, the appropriate dietary regimen would require administration for enhancing the energy level of the treated patient. The systematic evaluation of the causes and factors linked with patients fatigue could assist in configuring an effective nursing care plan for enhancing patients wellness outcomes. The enhancement of patients knowledge regarding the debility causes would significantly improve the pattern of her self-sufficiency and health related autonomy across the community environment(Cnsul-Giribet Medina-Moya , 2014). Reduction in the intensity of patients fatigue and tiredness under the influence of the administered dietary plan. High frequency of patients falling episodes Absence of a concrete social support system, age advancement as well as sustained memory deficit. 1. The patient will understand the requirement of undertaking safety measures in the context of reducing her risk of experiencing falls and associated traumatic manifestations like contusions, bruises and lacerations. 2. The patient will learn evidence-based muscle strengthening strategies in collaboration with the nurse professional for effectively preventing the occurrence of falling episodes. 1. The nurse professional requires decreasing the height of patients bed while elevating the rails for reducing the scope of failing. 2. The registered nurse needs to track and monitor the age-related changes in patients anatomical structure as well as psychosocial function. 3. The nurse professional requires assisting the patient in terms of undertaking muscle strengthening exercises while encouraging her active participation in strength training sessions. 1. The regular assessment of patients anatomical structure as well as physiological changes assists in evaluating the pattern of her muscular endurance as well as visual functionality(Phelan, Mahoney, Voit, Stevens, 2015). 2. The tracking of the conditions like unsteady gait, defected perception and response time will assist the nurse in calculating the risk of patients falls and configuring evidence-based strategies for assisting her in terms of undertaking activities of daily living and personal-care(Borowicz, Zasadzka, Gaczkowska, Gaczkowska, Pawlaczyk, 2016). 3. The administration of muscle training sessions will assist in the effective enhancement of patients muscle endurance and overall physical strength(Lee Park, 2013). The patient will gain a stable state of consciousness and vision as well as inner stamina for reducing the frequency of falling episodes. The patient will acquire increased muscle strength and balance while overcoming the pattern of weakness, thereby leading to the effective reduction in falling episodes. Hypertension Patients dietary insufficiency appears to be the preliminary cause of her chronic hypertension. 1. Organization of self-care sessions in the context of effectively controlling the sustained blood pressure elevation. 2. Prevention of the development and progression of cardiovascular conditions and associated clinical complications 1. Implementation of dietary restriction approaches for the patient in the context of reducing the intake of electrolytes and fat. 2. Organization of training sessions with the objective of improving the pattern of patients physical activities. 3. The nurse professional needs to encourage the patient in terms of regular consumption of green leafy vegetable and fruits for stabilizing cardiovascular functionality. 1. The establishment of goals related to the consumption of sodium, potassium and magnesium assists in the stabilization of patients systolic and diastolic blood pressures (Bazzano, Green, Harrison, Reynolds, 2013). 2. The daily consumption of vegetables and reduction in fat diet leads to the reciprocal reduction in the saturated fat and elevation in the monounsaturated fat levels in the patients body that effectively reduces the abnormal rise in blood pressure levels(Bazzano, Green, Harrison, Reynolds , 2013). 3. The physical activities including exercise and walking assist in the systematic stabilization of the cardiovascular system that reciprocally reduces the risk of abnormal blood pressure elevation(Diaz Shimbo, 2013). Patients blood pressure would remain within the normal range of 110-140 [Systolic]/70-90 [Diastolic] mmHg. Anxiety Recurrent injuries, weakness, absence of patients self-confidence and debility. 1. Effective training of the patient in terms of acquiring various coping mechanisms in the context of overcoming the pattern of anxiety and associated psychosocial manifestations. 2. Improvement of patients cognitive capacity, memory as well as concentration and focus. 1. Nurse professional needs to administer therapeutic communication in the context of configuring culturally appropriate strategies for reducing the state of patients anxiety. 2. The registered nurse requires enhancing the coping skills of the patient with the objective controlling the pattern of her negative thought process and facilitating her adjustment with the immediate surrounding. 1. The administration of therapeutic communication by the nurse professional would assist in the accurate evaluation of patients anxiety, memory span and related symptomatology(Popa-Velea Purc?rea, 2014). 2. Therapeutic relationship with the patient would help the nurse professional in configuring the pattern of trust with the treated patient and improve her level of compliance to the recommended therapeutic regimen(Popa-Velea Purc?rea, 2014). Patient will not experience anxiety and feel confident and capable of coping with her existing health adversities. Difficulty in Breathing Low oxygen saturation level 1. Stabilization of patients respiratory rate 2. Improvement in the patients oxygen saturation level 3. Facilitation of patients breathing pattern through the administration of respiratory exercises 1. Regular evaluation of patients oxygen saturation level and assessment of patients arterial blood gas (ABG) level 2. Regular evaluation of patients respiratory depth and frequency 3. Administration of oxygen therapy in a case of medical emergency 1. The evaluation of patients oxygen saturation index assists in identifying the probability of patients respiratory failure(Rawat, et al., 2015). 2. Oxygen therapy is the recommended treatment option for controlling the progression of dyspnoea associated respiratory failure(Baldwin Cox, 2016). Patient will experience improvement in the pattern of her breathing as well as elevation in the oxygen saturation level. Task 3 (Medication Management) Atorvastatin (20mg daily) is prescribed to the patient in relation to the effective management of her state of hypercholesterolemia (Adams, Tsang, Wright, 2015). Patients clinical history of hypercholesterolemia warrants the stabilization of her lipid levels attributing to triglycerides, LDL, HDL and total cholesterol. The nurse professional will evaluate the findings of patients hepatic function panel before and after the administration of Atrovastatin therapy. The registered nurse would also periodically monitor the lipid levels of the patient in the context of dose adjustment of the prescribed Atrovastatin. The qualified nurse will closely monitor the pattern of allergic reaction, blistering, fever, muscle pain and nausea that the patient might experience after the regular administration of Atrovastatin (THA, 2014). Ramipril is prescribed to the patient in the context of controlling the pattern of patients hypertension. Ramipril is an ACE inhibitor and effectively induces vasodilation that resultantly stabilizes patients systolic and diastolic blood pressures (PubChem, 2017). The nurse professional needs to ascertain patients compliance in relation to the administration of the prescribed dosage of Ramipril. The nurse professional requires monitoring the blood pressure of the treated patient after every three hours of Ramipril administration and report the pattern of blood pressure to the concerned physician in the context of dosage adjustment. The pattern of the head and neck swelling (if experienced by the patient after Ramipril administration requires reporting by the nurse professional to the treating physician in the context of undertaking the remedial intervention (THA, 2017). The nurse professional must monitor patients symptomatology in relation to the development of liver and kidney cond itions during Ramipril administration. The administration of Ramipril requires careful monitoring the by the nurse professional in the context of reducing the scope of its overdose or missed dosage. The missed dose might induce the blood pressure elevation; however, over dosage could lead to the occurrence of hypotension and associated clinical manifestations. The nurse professional requires explaining the hypertension treatment considerations to the patient with the objective of reducing her scope of development of cardiovascular disorders attributing to coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction (Managing Hypertension in the Elderly: A Common Chronic Disease with Increasing Age, 2012). The nurse also requires explaining the requirement of patients lifestyle modification in the context of controlling the pattern of her systolic and diastolic blood pressure elevation. The nurse also requires explaining the patient regarding the pattern of postural (orthostatic) hypotension that she might experience while standing or taking a supine position, while concomitantly receiving the antihypertensive medication. Indeed, orthostatic hypertension might become the cause of patients prospective falls and trauma. The nurse professional needs to make sure regarding the level of understanding attained by the patient in the context of effectively co ping with her chronic hypertension and associated adverse clinical manifestations. The nurse professional must conduct periodic interview sessions with the patient and evaluate the level of her understanding and perception regarding the benefits of physical activity and healthy diet in terms of effectively controlling the abnormal blood pressure variations (CDC, 2014). Regular evaluation of patients weight and body mass index is necessarily required for calculating her risk of sustaining the pattern of hypertension for the longer-term. The patient in the presented clinical scenario appears to experience acute respiratory failure. Acute respiratory distress is manifested by the signs of an elevated respiratory rate, peripheral edema, reduced oxygen saturation level as well as cyanosis. Most of these signs and symptoms experienced by the patient in the presented case scenario, thereby confirming the occurrence of acute respiratory distress and failure (Sweeney, McAuley, Matthay, 2011). Nurse professional needs to monitor the ABG findings of the patient and administer oxygen therapy with the objective of stabilizing the respiratory rate of the patient (Brill Wedzicha, 2014). The registered nurse should also evaluate the hydration requirement of the patient and administer hydration infusion (in case of decreased hydration level) with the objective of reducing the risk of development of pulmonary effusion and cardiac failure. Nurse professional needs to induce assisted coughing in the context of decreasing excessive s putum secretion and facilitating patients breathing pattern. Identify Patients MRN XXXX Patients Name Rosie DOB/Age 76 years Staff Title Registered Nurse Professional Situation Rosie was admitted to the inpatient ward in relation to the treatment of her absence of coping skills, dizziness, pain, loss of consciousness, falling episodes, memory loss, fatigue and debility. The patient exhibited a clinical history of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. The patient was transferred from the emergency department to the inpatient unit through hospital ambulance. Background Patient experienced the clinical history of memory loss, elevated blood pressure as well as an increased level of blood cholesterol. Patient exhibited the state of social isolation and experienced limited psychosocial support. Assessment Patients vital assessment resulted in the following recordings: Systolic blood pressure: 150 mmHg Diastolic blood pressure: 95 mmHg Heart Rate: 110/min RR: 20/min Oxygen saturation level: 90% Weak radial pulse Skin Colour: bluish and pale Other findings: ankles swelling, dyspnoea, shallow respiration and cyanosis Recommendation The physicians and nurse professionals in the coronary unit must immediately stabilize patients respiratory stress and undertake diagnostic and treatment interventions for accessing and remediating the cardiovascular complications that the patient might encounter under the influence of acute respiratory failure. References Adams, S. P., Tsang, M., Wright, J. M. (2015). Lipid-lowering efficacy of atorvastatin. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 12(3). doi:10.1002/14651858.CD008226.pub3 Ahmed, T., Haboubi, N. (2010). Assessment and management of nutrition in older people and its importance to health. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 207-216. Retrieved from Baldwin, J., Cox, J. (2016). Treating Dyspnea: Is Oxygen Therapy the Best Option for All Patients? The Medical Clinics of North America, 1123-1130. doi:10.1016/j.mcna.2016.04.018 Bazzano, L. A., Green, T., Harrison, T. N., Reynolds , K. (2013). Dietary Approaches to Prevent Hypertension. Current Hypertension Reports, 15(6), 694-702. doi:10.1007/s11906-013-0390-z Borowicz, A., Zasadzka, E., Gaczkowska, A., Gaczkowska, O., Pawlaczyk, M. (2016). Assessing gait and balance impairment in elderly residents of nursing homes. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2486-2490. doi:10.1589/jpts.28.2486 Brill, S. E., Wedzicha, J. A. (2014). Oxygen therapy in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 1241-1252. doi:10.2147/COPD.S41476 CDC. (2014, July 7). High Blood Pressure. Retrieved from Cnsul-Giribet, M., Medina-Moya , J. L. (2014). Strengths and weaknesses of Problem Based Learning from the professional perspective of registered nurses. Rev. Latinoam. Enfermagem, 22(5), 724-730. doi:10.1590/0104-1169.3236.2473 Diaz, K. M., Shimbo, D. (2013). Physical Activity and the Prevention of Hypertension. Current Hypertension Reports, 15(6), 659-668. doi:10.1007/s11906-013-0386-8 Lee, I. H., Park, S. Y. (2013). Balance Improvement by Strength Training for the Elderly. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 25(12), 1591-1593. doi:10.1589/jpts.25.1591 Managing Hypertension in the Elderly: A Common Chronic Disease with Increasing Age. (2012). American Health and Drug Benefits, 5(3), 146-153. Retrieved from Marchant, J. A., Williams, K. N. (2011). MEMORY MATTERS IN ASSISTED LIVING. Rehabilitation Nursing, 36(2), 83-88. Retrieved from Norouzinia, R., Aghabarari, M., Shiri, M., Karimi, M., Samimi, E. (2016). Communication Barriers Perceived by Nurses and Patients. Global Journal of Health Science, 65-74. doi:10.5539/gjhs.v8n6p65 Phelan, E. A., Mahoney, J. E., Voit, J. C., Stevens, J. A. (2015). Assessment and Management of Fall Risk in Primary Care Settings. Medical Clinics of North America, 99(2), 281-293. doi:10.1016/j.mcna.2014.11.004 Popa-Velea, O., Purc?rea, V. L. (2014). Issues of therapeutic communication relevant for improving quality of care. Journal of Medicine and Life, 7(4), 39-45. Retrieved from PubChem. (2017). Ramipril. Retrieved from Compound Summary for CID 5362129: Rawat, M., Chandrasekharan, P. K., Williams , A., Gugino , S., Koenigsknecht , C., Swartz , D., . . . Lakshminrusimha , S. (2015). Oxygen saturation index and severity of hypoxic respiratory failure. Neonatology, 107(3), 161-166. Retrieved from Sweeney, R. M., McAuley, D. F., Matthay, M. A. (2011). Acute Lung Failure. Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 32(5), 607-625. doi:10.1055/s-0031-1287870 THA. (2014, 08 01). Atorvastatin (By mouth). Retrieved from Micromedex Consumer Medication Information: THA. (2017, 08 01). Ramipril (By mouth). Retrieved from Micromedex Consumer Medication Information:

Monday, December 9, 2019

MINIMUM WAGE Essay Example For Students

MINIMUM WAGE Essay History of the MINIMUM WAGE Essay 1938 The minimum wage was first enacted into law as part of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938. The original minimum wage applied to workers engaged in interstate commerce and the production of goods for interstate commerce. In 1938, this applied to roughly 11.0 million workers out of a total of 54.9 million workers. The minimum wage was set at $0.25 per hour. 1961 Amendments to the minimum wage law extend coverage primarily to employees in large retail and service trades as well as local transit, construction, and gasoline service station employees. 1966 Amendments to the minimum wage law extend coverage to state and local government employees of hospitals, nursing homes, and schools and to employees of laundries, dry cleaners, large hotels and motels, restaurants, and farms. Subsequent amendments extended coverage to the remaining federal, state and local government employee not protected in 1966, to certain workers in retail and service trades previously exempted, and to certain domestic workers in private household employment. The 20-percent increase in the federal minimum wage scheduled to occur over the next year may not be the best way to boost the incomes of low-skilled workers and their families. This article explores the purpose and impact of the minimum wage in an effort to discover whether it is a good idea. Proponents of the minimum wage argue that it ensures a living wage for workers who might otherwise be underpaid, while opponents claim it costs hundreds of thousands of workers their jobs and reduces new hires of unskilled workers. About 10 percent of workers will be directly affected by the two increases in the minimum wage Congress authorized in 1996. The first increase, which took effect on October 1, boosted the minimum wage from $4.25 to $4.75. The second increase, scheduled for September 1, 1997, will raise the wage floor to $5.15. A Brief History ? A public outcry over wages and working conditions in turn-of-the-century sweatshops led to the first minimum wages in the United States. Several states, beginning with Massachusetts in 1912, regulated minimum wages, maximum hours and working conditions for women and minors. A national minimum wage was created in 1938 when President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Initially set at 25 cents per hour, the wage floor applied to industries engaged in interstate commerce and covered about one-fifth of the labor force. The FLSA also required overtime pay and set restrictions on child labor. The basic goal of the minimum wage is to guarantee workers a fair wage. Congress determines increases in the federal minimum wage and has usually set it at about one-half the average manufacturing wage. (Table 1 summarizes the history of the federal minimum wage.) Since the minimum wage is set in nominal terms, its real value declines as prices rise until Congress raises the wage floor again, creating the sawtooth pattern evident in Chart 1. ? As shown in the chart, the minimum wage fell dramatically relative to the average manufacturing wage during the 1980s, prompting one-third of the states to impose state minimum wages above the federal level. Over time, Congress has greatly expanded the coverage of the FLSA, and almost 90 percent of workers now must be paid at least the minimum wage. Most businesses with annual sales of less than $500,000 are exempt from the minimum wage standard. Concerns that the wage floor would reduce employment for certain groups of workers led to the creation of subminimum wages. The federal wage floor has usually been lower for students, and in 1989, the subminimum wage was expanded to cover all teenagers. Under the 1996 law, employers will still be able to pay teenagers $4. Technology affects educations Essay Nearly a 30% rise in meal deductions would be experienced(4). The amount of company equipment eligible for a write-off will increase form $19,000 to $35,000(4). Also with small businesses, it would restore the law that allows a business seller to pay taxes in installments rather than a lump sum in the year of .

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Computing Technology and Service

Question: Contemporary computing can be seen as an assemblage. Discuss. To achieve this: Select TWO computing stories from the Live News exercise you fulfil in each weeks tutorial. Using Actor Network Theory as your primary tool for analysis, at a minimum: Describe the scales on which the actants in your stories act in the assemblage Discuss how these actions can enhance management functions Outline what issues/questions these actions raise. To achieve this, compare and contrast the viewpoints of a range of theorists and critics explored throughout the module. Answer: Introduction: Assemblage in computing is seen as a trend in the recent decade. Cloud computing is one such computing that uses software and hardware and gives its services over the electronic platform. Cloud computing help in storage of data in the third party data centre. To maximise the advantages of effective resources we use cloud computing. Cloud computing has its history dates back to 1950 called the remote job entry process. Amazon launched the public cloud system for the first time in the year 2006. In this essay, a rigorous analysis is made to see how cloud computing can be used as the assemblage in the contemporary scenario. There is a dynamic interaction artifact of IT, organisation, services and associated interests. Using actor-network theory and social theory the essay will illustrate ERP and Microsofts cloud-based computing development to highlight the processes of business value generation. The implications have been proposed for future based cloud technology. Computing Story of Microsoft (A Company based computing story) In case of Microsoft, the contemporary computing can be seen as an assemblage like most other IT companies. To help the enterprise customers, the Microsoft Services have introduced and developed the cloud computing system through which it can take a key step towards the user experiences, agility and economics. In case of Microsoft, the cloud computing system has played a significant role to bring pa change in its business strategy. That means this system determine how the business of Microsoft will operate and compete in the world IT market. Telstra, the leading communication company of Australia which created new cloud-based marketing strategy for its customers and for this cloud computing, was able to complete the first phase of market in three months with the help of Microsoft services and accelerated the delivery of cloud deployment solution of the full enterprise in between nine months (Awad, 2014). Why cloud computing has been adopted by Microsoft? To meet the growing demand for new solutions, new devices and new applications for the resulting data explosion and to avoid the complexity and burden in IT market, it becomes very essential for the popular IT brands like Microsoft to introduce the cloud computing. In the present fast-paced world, where the young generation are mostly attached with the technologically updated devices, data and apps, IT industry is becoming more challenging and exciting for the IT firms to compete with each other and to innovate or introduce a new product in the market. Hence, to deliver new project or product at a faster rate, to access more quick data, to manage the devices easily and to test the environment faster; cloud computing is used by Microsoft as a helpful technique(Chen, Liang and Hsu, 2015). The three key areas of cloud computing:- To deliver the broadest array and the solutions for the cloud computing through the worldwide business Microsoft operating on three key areas:- First of all, Microsoft has the vision to establish a unified platform for the modern business in future and for this Microsoft has build a cloud computing platform that is also known as Cloud OS. The Microsoft Azure is at the heart of Cloud OS and acts as a cloud computing platform that is open and flexible in nature. This enables us to build, deploy and manage the apps quickly across the global network of the datacenters which are managed by Microsoft. This application can be built by using any framework or tool and language. With these public cloud applications, the existing IT environment can easily be integrated especially for the companies that want to build their own private clouds such as Window Server, SQL Server and System Centre (Yang et al., 2014). Secondly, a cloud computing productivity that is suit in the form of office 365 is delivered by Microsoft. This offers todays deepest and best available productivity, unified communications, spanning business intelligence, social capabilities, collaboration and email. There is also a third key which is considered as a suit of business solutions through the Microsoft Dynamics which deliver the cloud computing system that is easy to use besides delivering the cloud solutions for ERP and CRM which help the fast growing organization in managing their cost(Hofmann, 2008). The related products of cloud computing:- There are different products of Microsoft, related to cloud computing, such as Microsoft Azure, Microsoft.NET, Microsoft Intune, SQL Server, Visual Studio, Windows Server 2012 R2, System Center 2012 R2 etc. consisting the solutions of Public Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, Virtualization and private cloud, Big data etc. Microsoft mainly delivers the hybrid cloud computing. There are two technical resources related to this cloud computing system. One is the planning for cloud services in configuration manager, and the other is the deploy Windows Azure Pack for the Windows server (Uden, 2013). The future of cloud computing in Microsoft:- As Microsoft has a long history of running the internet-scale services, it can easily improve its cloud computing services. However, there also exists some problems related to usage of office 365 regarding data storage and data transfer, but it is believed that in future most of the services provided by Microsoft will move to the cloud services (Houng et al., 2013). Computing Story of ERP cloud technology (A software based computing story) Evolution of ERP cloud technologies over the years: Enterprise Resource Planning is software used in the business management processes to club all the applications for managing the business. The software incorporates all the operations like HR, product planning, inventory control, accounting, distribution control, etc. There are many vendors that offer cloud-based ERP software such as Workday, Net Suite, Acumatica and others. These companies require internet connections to access the systems. The systems are not based on the older versions, and all the clients are based in the newer versions. The cloud-based ERP solutions are made by the veterans of the tradition ERP vendors (Mahmood, 2013). State of Cloud ERP Market: As time continues to pass, the ERP solutions happen to mature. From the beginning of the year 2013, we see that there are functional capabilities building up. There was a difference between Cloud-based technology and deeper functionality. There is an intense decision by the vendors to provide superior technology. For faster development, the vendors are offering solutions that are modified.ERP cloud based solutions are generally used in small companies with relatively smaller employee size because they have hardly any money for investment in IT infrastructure. The concept is changing as we see larger companies using the ERP cloud solution. Cloud-based solutions are easy to use and lack sophistication that on-premises vendor holds (Mozammel-Bin-Motalab and Al Mamun Shohag, 2011). Benefits of Cloud-Based ERP: The ERP system has both notorious failures and glorious successes. Though a lot of cost and complexity is involved in its implementation it is valued by many companies. Cost: The cloud ERP solutions are purchased through subscription model that includes support and hosting cost. The operating and initial cost is low for cloud-based ERP. As the needs of the companies evolve the solutions, the providers of clod based systems should also scale up. The vendors they provide all the backup and user support (Singh, 2013). Deployment at the rapid pace: Deployment time is reduced by the use of cloud-based technology. It offers limited options to meet most of the needs of the business. The time it takes to produce the result depends on the time it can change the pertinent data. Scalability and Flexibility: The vendors are providing extra software and functions to the companies without involving any cumbersome processes. The companies are choosing cloud-based technologies to adjust quickly to the competitive environment (Rhoton and Haukioja, 2011). Limitations of cloud: The cloud-based ERP vendors have been providing the ERP functionalities. They have also been making functions that can forecast statistics, social media and management of products. These offerings have no similarity with the ERP offerings that are hosted and workings of the traditional on-premises. There are geographical restrictions for using cloud-based ERP .the requirement of finances are not supported by many countries in which the company may reside. Cloud-based solution does not provide many options for configurations. This is the reason why many good companies are using it in purchasing, sales and delivery of accounts. The company may not be able to operate the ERP solutions by the highly developed applications and business processes (Shadravan, 2013). When using cloud-based ERP solution the company is willing to trust a third party provider to share its information. Oracle and SAP have invested a lot on the security but failed in vain. The providers are giving guarantee that the data will be stored in the data centres. Many human resources software holds the very sensitive data on employees that are crucial and leads to competition. A company is likely to adopt an ERP based cloud software when there is rapid expansion of the availability of functionality and lower risk due to adoption (Shroff, 2010). Conclusion:- Hence, from the above discussion it can be said that in this technologically updated modern phase, where the contemporary computing can be seen as an assemblage in most of the IT companies, the cloud computing services are helpful to overcome the complexities in IT market as well as to meet the technological needs of the present generation. Different types of cloud computing based services are provided by different types of companies, and different types of cloud computing services and technologies have its own unique features, advantages and disadvantages. Hence, to overcome their limitations and to provide better services, at present most of the contemporary computing can be seen as assemblage that provide more improved technological based services in the whole world. References Awad, H. (2014). Investigating Cloud ERP Challenges in Public Universities in the Middle East Field Study. IOTCC, 2(3), p.12. Chen, C., Liang, W. and Hsu, H. (2015). A cloud computing platform for ERP applications. Applied Soft Computing, 27, pp.127-136. Hofmann, P. (2008). ERP is Dead, Long Live ERP. IEEE Internet Computing, 12(4), pp.84-88. Houng, K., Shanmugam, B., Samy, G., Albakri, S. and Ahmad, A. (2013). Security Model for Microsoft Based Mobile Sales Management Application in Private Cloud Computing. IJ-CLOSER, 2(3). Mahmood, Z. (2013). Cloud computing. London: Springer. Mozammel-Bin-Motalab, A. and Al Mamun Shohag, S. (2011). Cloud Computing and the Business Consequences of ERP use. International Journal of Computer Applications, 28(8), pp.31-37. Rhoton, J. and Haukioja, R. (2011). Cloud computing architected. [Tunbridge Wells, Kent]: Recursive Press. Shadravan, D. (2013). Microsoft SharePoint 2013 inside out. Redmond, Wash.: Microsoft Press. Shroff, G. (2010). Enterprise cloud computing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Singh, G. (2013). A Study Of Impact Of Erp And Cloud Computing In Business Enterprises. SaarbruÃÅ'ˆcken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Uden, L. (2013). 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations: Service and Cloud Computing. Berlin: Springer. Yang, L., Cao, J., Tang, S., Han, D. and Suri, N. (2014). Run Time Application Repartitioning in Dynamic Mobile Cloud Environments. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, pp.1-1.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Nature VS. Nurture Tandem Tango free essay sample

Nature vs. Nurture: Tandem Tango One of psychology’s biggest questions, to which an answer remains elusive, is, â€Å"what plays a greater factor in human development: nature or nurture?† Many experiments, studies, and discussions have attempted in vain to determine whether biology or environment can be attributed to the way a person has developed. This paper will contain a brief history, the most essential characteristics of the nature versus nurture issue, as well as my own thoughts on the controversy. History Where It All Began The debate of nature versus nurture is an enduring controversy that has survived through the ages. â€Å"The Greek philosopher Plato assumed that we inherit character and intelligence and that certain ideas are inborn†. During the 1600s, European philosophers took up the argument once more; Rene Descartes shared the same view as Plato. English Philosopher John Locke proposed his tabula rasa theory, â€Å"[†¦] which states that people learn and acquire ideas from external forces, or the environment†. We will write a custom essay sample on Nature VS. Nurture: Tandem Tango or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The debate was solidified when Charles Darwin’s book, On the Origin of Species sparked greater controversy. Francis Galton invented the phrase â€Å"nature versus nurture†, and was influenced by his cousin’s ? Darwin ? On the Origin of Species book. Galton published Hereditary Genius in 1869. â€Å"This work by some has been named as the starting point of the Nature versus Nurture controversy†. Where It Is Now Compared to past times, when opinions were largely based on religious or philosophical beliefs, many experiments, studies, and discussions have approached the nature versus nurture argument with a more scientific approach. Despite the hundreds of years that this controversy has seen, a solid and proven answer has yet to be presented. Essential Characteristics To better comprehend the nature versus nurture debate, we should look at the essential characteristics that make up this controversy. Biology, what people are born with, is the nature side of the argument. The environment that humans are surrounded by and/or raised in is the nurture side. Biology Humans are unique and highly-intricate creatures, and DNA is what makes individuals who they are; it is the code for our physical being. Physical features, personality, and even intelligence are all decided by our unique DNA. Those that say nature has the largest hand in human development believe that who we are is decided by who our parents are; we are products of our predecessors. Each and every person was created by God, and He endows uniqueness to each individual. As Psalm 139:13 says, â€Å"For you have created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.† â€Å"The DNA sets a range of possible characteristics (sometimes called your genetic tendency), and your activities determine what portion of that range actually manifests itself in your body† . While our DNA provides us with genetic tendencies, it is our environment that molds us. This brings us to the nurture side of the controversy. Environment Our environment, or our experiences in an environment, are said to develop us. Those that side with the nurture angle of the nature versus nurture debate believe that the environment that humans are in, or were raised in, molds them into who they are. The environment in which a person is surrounded by or raised in has a tremendous impact. â€Å"If a person is exposed to certain environmental factors while in the womb, or during critical phases in childhood, there can be irreversible catastrophic consequences†. If a father has aggressiveness in his genes he may pass aggressive tendencies on to his children. However, if his child is raised in a healthy, positive environment where the aggressive genes are not provoked, the child may not manifest the inherited aggression. On the contrary, if a mother passes on her very peaceable traits and genes on to her child, and the child is raised in a hostile environment, s/he may be provoked to display aggression. Proverbs 22: 6 says, â€Å"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.† I believe that the way children are raised up through adolescence will have a lasting impact on them and will shape their life, and how they live it, forever. My Thoughts In the nature versus nurture argument, I do not believe that one can simply choose a decisive winner of the controversy. There is no doubt that both contribute to who an individual is. Nature, our biology, certainly decides a lot of who we are, but I believe that nurture has more of a deciding factor in how humans develop. It is of my opinion that nature prepares a person for what nurture will ultimately finish. Concluding Thoughts While the longstanding controversy has no conclusive winner, we should look at these seemingly opposing views as working in tandem with each other. â€Å"What’s also interesting is that the genes themselves allow the brain to learn. Without the genes, we wouldn’t be able to adapt to situations, or to allow our environment to affect us†.